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In remembrance
of our fallen

Fallen 3.jpeg

Please remember our brothers and sisters who have already paved the way to Valhalla for us. We are better people for having these folks in our lives, if only for a brief period.

BAIRD, Brian - 558th MP 

BARRON, Jeffrey - 23rd Ord 4th Platoon

BEAN, Richard - 558th MP 3rd Platoon

BELL, Timothy - 558th MP 2nd Platoon

BELMARCE, John - 558th MP K9

BERNELIS, Nick - 558th MP 2nd Platoon

BORDEN, John - 558th MP

BRAUN, William - 558th MP

BROOKS, Kevin - 558th MP

BRYANT, Valerie - 619th Ord

BURDETTE, Jonathan - 558th MP 2nd Platoon

BURNS, Chester - 619th Ord

BUSH, Jon - 619th Ord Commo

CARNEY, Francie - 619th Ord

CARTER, J.C. - 558th MP

CASTELLI (Kremkow), Lynn - 619th Ord

CAVA, Lou - 558th MP 1st Platoon

CHAPPEL, Blaine - 558th MP K9

CHARLES, Aaron - 558th MP 2nd Platoon

CHURCH, Donald - 558th MP

COMMINS, Pat - 558th MP Mess Hall

COOK, Frank - 558th MP

CORDEAU, Ken - 558th MP 2nd Platoon

COWLING, Vanessa - 558th MP 2nd Platoon

DEAL, Michael - 619th Ord 2nd S&I Platoon

DIAZ, Juan - 619th Ord


ELLISSARAZ, Hose - 619th Ord HQ Platoon

ENGLE, David - 619th Ord

EVERDING, Jeffrey - 558th MP 3rd Platoon

FORREST, Anthony - 558th MP 2nd Platoon

FULLER, Burt - 558th MP HQ

GREGER, Lester - 558th MP  HQ

GANT, William - 23rd Ord 3rd Platoon

GRANT, Delbert - 558th MP

GWYNN, Donald - 558th MP HQ 1st SGT

HAAVISTO, Steve - 558th MP 3rd Platoon

HALLER, Chad - 558th MP 3rd Platoon

HITE, Darell - 23rd Ord 1st Platoon

HOLMES, Lester - 558th MP

HOUSOUR, Jeff - 558th MP

HUGHES, Sean - 558th MP 3rd Platoon

JASEK, Mark - 558th MP

JOHNSON, Homer - 558th MP

JONES, Jesse - 619th Ord

KESSEL, Carl - 619th Ord

KOPLITZ, Randy - 558th MP

KRAUTLER, Jeff - 619th Ord

LaMASTERS, Terry - 558th MP

LINDER, David - 558th MP

MATNEY, Thomas - 558th MP 3rd Platoon

McCARTY, James - 619th Ord

McCOY, Harry - 619th Ord

McTAVISH, Llewellyn - 558th MP

MEEHAN, Robbie - 558th MP 2nd Platoon

MERZ, William - 619th Ord

METTLIN, Vincent - 558th MP 3rd Platoon

NELMS, Charles - 558th MP 2nd Platoon

NOEL, George- 558th MP 2nd Platoon

OLIVER, Michael - 558th MP 3rd Platoon

PARADAY, Larry - 619th Ord 2nd S&I Platoon

PARADISE, Chuck - 619th Ord

PFEIFFER, Brian - 558th MP

POINDEXTER, Eric - 558th MP 3rd Platoon

PUCKETT, Curtis - 558th MP 3rd Platoon

READLER, Scott - 558th MP 2nd Platoon

RIDDERHOFF, Michael - 558th MP 1st Platoon

RIDDLE, Rodney - 558th MP 3rd Platoon

RITCHIE, Anthony - 558th MP 1st Platoon

RIVERA, Jim - 619th Ord- Assembly

RUHNKE, John - 558th MP 1st Platoon

SAGER, Terry - 558th MP

SAUCEDO, Christopher - 558th MP HQ 1st SGT

SCALLAWL, Diane - 619th Ord

SHINALL, Thomas - 558th MP 2nd Platoon

SHOWALTER, Brian - 619th Ord

SLAMKOWSKI, Robert - 619th Ord- Assembly

SWOPE, Denver - 619th Ord

TANN, Derrick - 558th MP 3rd Platoon

THOMAS, Paul - 619th Ord M&A

TOMLINSON, Jeff - 619th Ord

WARD, Rodger - 619th Ord Motor Pool

WASHBURN, Joe - 558th MP

WEBBER, John - 619th Ord - Assembly

WHATLEY, Lawrence - 619th Ord

WILLERT, Roger - 558th MP - 3rd Platoon

ULIN, William - 619th Ord Operations

YOUNG, Allison - 558th MP 3rd Platoon

ZELESKI, Jarrod - 558th MP K9

ZIEGELMEYER, Mark - 558th MP 3rd Platoon

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